Call today: 503-530-9851

Fire Extinguisher service company serving the
greater portland-metro area.

Aloha, Boring, Canby, Damascus, Estacada, Gladstone, Gresham,

Hillsboro, Lents, McMinnville, Mollala, Newberg, Portland-Metro, Salem, Sandy, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, Wilsonville, Woodburn

shop fire extinguishers

Licensed, Bonded and Insured

CCB #200730

Purchasing a fire extinguisher for your home or building is the first step in protecting yourself in the event of a fire. Shop fire extinguishers at Douglas Fire Equipment for all your fire extinguisher replacement needs. With a full line of fire extinguishers in stock, I am your trusted source in the Portland-metro area second to none.

Before purchasing your fire extinguisher, it is important to know which types of fire it is designed to extinguish. There are various types available to purchase for different types of fires. Refer to our guide to fire extinguishers to find out which extinguisher is best for your home or building.

At Douglas Fire Equipment, customers are priority. My reputation and history of providing the best customer service around speaks for itself. If you need to purchase an extinguisher or simply need a fire extinguisher replacement, I will do whatever it takes to find the right product for you. For more detailed information or to shop fire extinguishers, call today at 503-530-9851! 

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